The light of heaven itself, the sky, the trees, or any other common objects of nature, are not better known than the swallows. The wonderful activity displayed by these birds, forms a striking contrast to the slow habits of other animals. Let a person take his stand on a summer evening by a field, meadow, or river shore, fix his eye on one of these birds <a href="">Timberland Pas cher</a> , and follow for a coach outlet store online while all its circuitous windings; its extensive sweeps; its sudden, rapidly reiterated zigzag excursions, little inferior to the lightning itself and then attempt to calculate the length of the various lines it describes.On the east side of the great range of the Alleghany, they are <a href="">Bottes Timberland</a> dispersed very generally over the country. Early in May they begin to build, and it takes nearly a week to complete the nest. It is in the form coach handbags of an inverted cone, and placed up against a rafter in a barn. It is formed of mud, mixed with hay; it is then stuffed with fine hay, and a handful of downy geese feathers. <a href="">bottes louboutin</a> is not uncommon for twenty or thirty pair to build in the same barn, and some nests are within a few inches of each other; yet the most perfect harmony prevails in this peaceful and Coach Factory affectionate community. When the young are able to leave the nest, the old ones entice them out by fluttering backwards and forwards, twittering and calling to them constantly. As soon as <a href="">Timberland 2009</a> they leave the barn, they are conducted to the trees and bushes, by the pond or river shore, where their proper food is abundant.In August they all prepare for departure. They assemble on the roofs in great numbers, dressing and arranging their plumage, and coach outlet store making occasional essays, twittering with great cheerfulness. Their song is a sprightly warble, sometimes continued for a Coach Factory Outlet considerable time. They then pass along to the south in great numbers; sometimes several hundreds pass within sight in a quarter of an hour. <a href="">Timberland 2010</a> is highly probable that they winter in Mexico and South America. They are easily tamed, and soon become gentle and familiar. |