E文还行,就是看不懂啊~~~ - antdiv : correct antenna diversity field in DB and remanents - asn1chain : check asn1 chainage - attag : List of attached agent in a processing group - autor2 : internal datas of R2 - aux4600 : Q23 detector state of a 4600 rack - aux5400 : Q23 detector state of a 5400 rack - bascul : switch over on the twin CPU - bbc2stat : Statistics on BBC2 boards - bckdebug : Call Server : Back up signaling link information - boardinfo : Display board info - call_ident : data of busy trunk and it's peer - callbstat : internal datas of call back service - calledfilt : List of called filtering parameter - callprof : call profile - ccdcom : Display ccd application number - ccdn : CCDn Routage - ccstat : call completion internal datas - cdtstat : <description to be filled> - cfnstat : Display meet me conference structure - cmdcpl : toolbox for IP boards - cnx : <description to be filled> - cnx_eqt : for agreement:forces connexion - code_debug : active code of debug - compvisu : compression tool - config : all coupler's status - config_gsm : GSM notification configuration - configold : coupler's status before last save of ops files - country_code : Country codes - cpl_online : online debug of standard couplers - cplalrm : alarms of one board - cplstat : one coupler's datas - cplton : couplers broadcasting tonas - csta : Display interactiv queueing table - csta_data : CSTA data - cstabuf : CSTA buffer - cstacheck : CSTA Check List - cstainfo : CSTA remanents - cstatrk : Display csta monitoring of trunk group - ctxacd : Display dialog context data - ctxretry : Display dialog contexts in wait for ack list - ctxsendmsg : Send message between contexts - ctxstate : Change the dialog context state - datastat : <description to be filled> - debug_cpl : active debug in UA coupler - dectarea : Dect localization area display - dectclean : dect-roaming data clean - dectdbg : Debug of Dect handset - decteasy : Easy Dect installation tool - dectinfo : Display of Dect global information - dectinstoff : Dect installation : end - dectinston : Dect installation : begin - dectipuio : translate ABPQMCDU to IPUI_O - dectisoloff : Dect coupler isolation : end - dectisolon : Dect coupler isolation : begin - dectlocreq : dect suggest locate_req - dectmaster : Set Dect Frame Sync master coupler - dectnwkdbg : Debug of Dect network - dectrestart : Restart dect application - dectrm : Remove handset IPUI - dectsets : List of Dect handsets configured - dectview : Dect status - demi_com : demi_com datas - demi_com_fr : description of a frame relay half-com - demi_com_sup : description of a support channel frame relay - didtest : test datas of did table - distrirule : Display parameters of a distribution rule - distristat : <description to be filled> - domstat : Display Domain Info - downstat : download and couplers - dspstat : DSP status on coupler - dump_bbc2 : all about BBC2 board - edcustom : Priority, TIR and conference - emerlist : Emergency list data - entitystat : <description to be filled> - eqstat : equipment datas - ermahisto : eRMA historic visualisation - excvisu : displays systems exceptions (backtraces) - getnode : node number for prompt - gfu : GFU - grpopestat : <description to be filled> - help : informations on tools - helpacd : Update acdv2 data station - hybvisu : display hybrid accesses information - iaa : Display Integrated Auto Attendant information - ibsstat : list of all ibs in service - inccpt : <description to be filled> - increset : reset of incidents - info_he : <description to be filled> - infocs : synchronisation datas - ini_tab_us : reinitialize it US/USCVG - inserv : in-service coupler - int155stat : INT155 connexions - intint : INT couplers - intipstat : Int Ip Information - ioipdisplay : IOIP board remote crystal signalisation automaton - ipldebug : Ip Link Trace activation - iplink_restart : Ip Link stop Before Shutdown - ippsim : PCMM2 Simulation Mode - ippstat : Ip Phone visualisation - lanpbxbuild : lanpbx.cfg tool for Ip tftp configuration - limitstat : maximum values of system - liostat : statistics on LIO boards - list : set of pretty listing tools for sets - list_catjr : list of all trunk categories with their type - list_faisc : list of all trunkgroups with their type and prefix number - listag : Display dynamic state of affected agent - listdnd : do not disturb sets - listen : timeslot connexion - listerm : list of terminals - listfwd : forwarded terminals - listibs : list of ibs - listincall : Gives established communication - listloc : list of locked sets - listout : isolated resources - listrpn : list of all rpn - lkvisu : list of all links node by node - locefdis : <description to be filled> - logag : List of affected agent in a processing group - lookars : rout list configuration - lookgram : <description to be filled> - looknpd : Numbering Plan Descriptor configuration - looknumin : Numbering plan descriptor on arrival - lookvpn : VPN overflow config.: display and control - loop : forces connexion PCM on jonct - ltcyc : cyclic tests datas - mnt_alr : alarm counter on jonctor - mntahlip : ahltcp maintenance tool - mod_vg_start : <description to be filled> - modconf : Modular conference circuit configuration - msglevel : Display information elements of dialog context messages - neqt_log : datas of virtual phone sets - nomadic : nomadic sets maintenance tool - ocupjonc : <description to be filled> - opstat : operators status - opsup : real-time attendant supervisor - outserv : out-of-service coupler - param_dyn : Dump of a coupler dynamic parameters - parm5400 : time-out values of a 5400 rack - patchus : modify US software - pbxstat : datas of pbx groups - pcotstat : <description to be filled> - pgacd : Display processing group data - pgctx : Display dialog context of a remote pg - pgwq : Display call selection params of distribution dir - pgwqlist : Display queue list of a processing group - pilacd : Display pilot data - pildstctx : Display pilot destination contexts - pilotrule : Display parameters of a pilot rule - pilstat : Display pilot stat data - pingctx : Send a message to the associated ctx and wait for the answer - piwq : Display parameters of a routing direction - piwqlist : Display queue list of a pilot - piwqpg : Display queue and processing group list of pilot - poorars : Display poor signalling route ARS data - postlog : with logical number:phone sets datas - public_tsl : public translator - qslac_z2 : Dump of a Z2 coupler qslac data - r2_5400 : R2 detector state of a 5400 rack - rack_table : informations associated to one crystal - razam : Reset the waiting queue - razlimit : Reset busy IT counter - razpil : razpil - raztrkacd : Reset trunk group ACD call counter - razwq : razwq - readbbox : context before backtrace (black box) - readfile : Display or update agent order number data file - readhead : current version of one file - readkey : read informations in keys of digital sets - reinit : reset of terminal - rem_gfu : Remanents GFU - remoteghosts : List of configured ghosts Z for remote extension - remoteinfo : Display of remote extension global informations - remoterestart : Restart remote extension network layer - remotesets : List of configured remote extensions - remoteview : List of remote extensions in communication - represent : representation of connexion - rsiwtdtime : RSI forseeable waiting time announcement table - rstcpl : reset of coupler - rstdspcpl : DSP or embedded function reset - rsthyb : reset of hybrid links - rstio1 : reset of IO1 - rtpstat : statistics RTP on IP boards - rule : Display dynamic state of rules (pilot and distribution) - rzmfr : <description to be filled> - rzqueue : <description to be filled> - scpl : send message to coupler - sendall : <description to be filled> - setCCE : Set on|off CCE Client - setCCW : Set on|off CCW Client - setdate : update date on numeric terminals - sigtrace : Signalling trace - simulacc : artere locale simulation - sipacces : SIP Trunk Group Acces - sipauth : SIP authentification - sipdict : SIP dictionnary - sipgateway : SIP Gate way - smartms : active traces in mailsys - sosm_cpl : SOSM cpl - ss7stat : Gives signalling connexions with SS7 Network - statenode : Display state of each node in the network - stopdbg : stop traces for debug - stringref : Display string references on Tiny - substires : <description to be filled> - suitlog : affichage des donnees hotel - supgpbx : GPBX supervisor - suuchain : internal datas for SUU - synchro : force synchronization - t2chain : check mess_t2 chainage - ta_prifa : dialling prefixes for trunks - tab__aux : cadences of tonalities - tab_aux_us : detectors back US - tab_fr_crct : <description to be filled> - tab_it_spyd : BRA/PRA/UA couplers - tab_ua : terminals on UA couplers - tab_ua_typ : datas of UA terminals - tabag : List of agent - tabcallprof : call profile table - tabctx : Display dialog contexts list - tabeqt : with coupler index:coupler equipment number - tabnodectx : Display dialog contexts list associated to node - tabopcstat : <description to be filled> - tabpg : List of processing groups - tabpil : List of pilots - tabpilstat : List of pilot stat - tabranfilt : List of caller filtering parameter - tabrasfo : callback table for trunks - tabskill : skill - tabskilldom : skill domain - tabtemp : table of delays - tabwq : List of queues - tabwtd : Display Waiting Time Dependant table - taux : cyclical test on detectors - tb_acces_t0 : T0 access datas - tbr : Changing DECT behaviour to desired TBR - tcalledfilt : List of called filtering number - tcpl : cyclical test on coupler - terminfo : links on demi-com - termstat : terminal status - tracerus : trace events on US - traddata : internal datas of data phone sets - tradeq : with equipment number:terminals - tradna : with directory number:terminals - tradph : with physical address:terminals - traffic : dump counters of coupler msg - transcod : transcod special chars of string files - transisvpn : <description to be filled> - trkbusy : display TG busy barometer - trklimit : Display trunk group table limitation - trkstat : trunk status - trkvisu : trunk group - trschain : Dump of transit facility/notification area - ts4600 : time-slot state of a 4600 rack - ts5400 : time-slot state of a 5400 rack - tsint : it status between two int - tsio1 : it status on IO1 card - tsus : it status US-USCG, IR-IRC - twin : duplication of main CPU - ua_version : UA version of one terminal - usedentity : Display elements which used and entity - usstat : datas of US shelves - utadown : downloaded code on uta boxes - varcpl_rout : coupler datas with physical position - vgclass : display of VG class for message - vgdigit : VG CCDn Digit Announcement - vgemis : broadcasted voice-guides - vgfile : Display Downloadable Vocal Guides file names - vgmespos : VG Message Position - vgmulti : voice guide and multi-language - vgmultilang : Display multilanguage voice guide - vgstart : start voice guides - vgstat : vocal guides status on coupler - vgton : tonalities and voice-guides - vgtonrepl : tonas replacing voice guides - virwq : Display virtual queue - visu_ardyn : display dynamic link accesses information - visu_catjr : trunk categories - vmail : sympac access - voipstat : statistics on LIOe boards - vp_pos_table : <description to be filled> - wherevg : location of a voice guide or a voice message - wired_or : ports access before bascul - wq : <description to be filled> - wqacd : Display queue data - wqfsb : forseeable wait - wqpg : Display resource selection params of distribution dir - wqpglist : Display processing group list of a queue - wqpilist : Display pilot list of a queue - x25visu : datas of x25, cluster, acces point - zacd : Display specific acd dynamic data for trunk - zccdn : Display specific acd dynamic data for trunk - zdata : datas of data terminals - zdjonct : jonctor datas - zdmict0 : with equipment nb:terminal type T0 - zdmict2 : with equipment nb:terminal type T2 - zdpost : with equipment nb:other terminals - zguide : <description to be filled> - zoai : datas of oai terminals - zuastat : list all non-HE subdevices |