安防新品 MV9200 The MV9200 provides the capability to display up to four analog video signals simultaneously on a single screen. It also allows ability to capture four(4) video and eight(8) audio input signals moving data a real time using a PCI bus. MV9200 is a multifunctional high-performance chip, which is designed to fit in DVR system. MV9200 is a multimedia device component that can be easily designed on board level along with other devices when designing DVR system. MV9200 is compliant with PCI2.2 standard which is widely used for personal computers and industrial products. Therefore, MV9200 is ideally designed and suitable for high-performance DVR system that can record and display analog multi-channel. NV9200A技术参数 | 型号: | JD9204A | 视频输入: | 4 | 音频输入: | 2 | 压缩算法: | H.264/MPEG-4 | 每路帧率: | 25FPS(PAL)、30FPS(NTSC) | 显示分辩度: | 704*576(PAL)、720*480(NTSC) | 录像分辩度: | 352*288(PAL)、320*240(NTSC) |
主板和显卡的兼容性极佳,除了支持848,865,945,965全系列主板, 支持AMD,VIA主流主板,支持集成显卡 ;
采用先进的数字图像处理技术芯片MV9200,预览清晰干净无噪点,录像效果佳, 码流更小,视频,音频同步录像,平均60~150MB,比HC卡更优秀;
采用先进的运动矢量估计算法,图像变化侦测准确率高,有多级灵敏 度和区域设置,解决了同类产品中图像变化报警中误报,漏录的难题 ;
JDVR9200 DVR应用软件稳定可靠,是目前DVR市场中最主流的软件;
网络功强大,内置我公司独立开发的远程系统全视界网络监控系统.支持IE浏览器, 提供专用客户端软件,支持DDNS、支持集中管理功能 ;
支持手机监控功能,包括报警发彩色图片(需要支持采信的手机), 实时图像监控,云台镜头控制(需要支持JAVA及GPRS的手机);
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