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samsung dx816 编程操作(英文)...

supers888 发布于: 2009-4-5 12:33 373 次浏览 0 位用户参与讨论



There are three levels of programming: SYSTEM, CUSTOMER and STATION. System and customer levels are under passcode protection while station programming does not require a passcode.


To prevent conflicting data from being entered, only one person at a time can enter programming with the technician or customer passcode. While programming is in progress, normal system operation is not affected. For your convenience, the system displays [xxx IN PGM MODE] when another keyset is in the program mode.


A. System level This level is entered via MMC 800 and requires the technician level passcode. It allows access to all system, station and maintenance MMCs.


After opening programming with the technician passcode, you may press 'Speaker' and then the MMC number you wish to access.


B. Customer level This level is entered via MMC 200 and requires the customer passcode. It allows access to station and system MMCs allowed by the technician in MMC 802. When using the customer passcode to access station programs, data for all stations can be viewed or changed.


After opening programming with the customer passcode, you may press 'Speaker' and then the MMC number you wish to access.


C. Station level

All keysets can access station programs MMC 102 ~ 121 without using a passcode. Each user can only change station data for his/her own keyset.


When the DX 24B LCD keyset is in programming, the display shows instructions, prompts and choices. Existing data is always displayed before it can be changed. The keystroke sequence for each MMC is detailed in the DX System Programming Section.


MMC Programming Structure

The MMCs are broken into 100 groups. Each group has a theme and these themes are as follows:


- 100 series ?Station user programs. Most of these programs can be entered by the station user without a password.


- 200 series ?Station features and Optional Equipment programs.


- 300 series ?System wide station programs which relate to the system resources and system features available to station users.


- 400 series ?Trunk related programs.


- 500 Series ?System Counters and timers.


- 600 Series ?Groups including station, trunk and paging.


- 700 Series ?System-wide features and System Tables.


- 800 Series ?Technician specific programs.


Opening MMC Programming

Before it is possible to perform System level or Customer level programming, programming mode must be enabled. Follow these steps:


1. On an idle LCD keyset, press the [TRSF] key and enter the appropriate MMC (ie 200 for customer or 800 for technician programming);


2. Enter the passcode (Defaults: Technician ?4321; Customer ?1234)


3. When entering programming mode for the first time, the system requires the country code to be set. Select Australia using the Volume up/down keys and confirm using the right soft key. Press 1 to set the default values for Australia. Re-enter programming mode from step 1 above.


4. The display will indicate whether programming is enabled or disabled. This can be toggled by pressing the Volume + or Volume ?keys or by dialling 1 to enable.


5. The system is now enabled for programming.




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