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konnex 发布于: 2005-2-22 14:26 549 次浏览 1 位用户参与讨论
<H2 ><U>Dream Team<p></p></U></H2>
<P ><B >梦幻团队</B><B ><p></p></B></P>
<H2 >Intelligent logic module for the EIB/Konnex system<p></p></H2>
<P ><B >用于</B><B >EIB/Konnex</B><B >系统的智能逻辑模块</B><B ><p></p></B></P>
<P >Logic modules have been enjoying growing popularity for use in industrial utility buildings and private buildings for years. Increasing demands for more user-friendliness, increased  security and better energy conservation make it possible for bus systems such as the <I >EIB/Konnex </I>system to flourish. The recently innovated EIB/KNX communication module forms the  interface between logic module and bus system, making it possible to enjoy the advantages of the logic module for distributed control tasks in the <I >EIB/Konnex </I>system as well. In a change for the better for electricians and customers alike, the "dream team", comprised of logic module and communication module, provides innumerable new application options and  significantly enhanced user-friendliness. <p></p></P>
<P >近年来逻辑模块越来被广泛用于工业建筑和家居。同时满足用户易操作性,安全性和节能的<I >EIB/Konnex</I>的市场也在快速增长。<p></p></P>
<P >最新的逻辑模块同<I >EIB/Konnex</I>系统的网关使得用户可以分享两个系统的优点。西门子最新的LOGO/EIB网关能提供给电气工程师和用户高性价比,同时具有良好人机界面的解决方案。<p></p></P>
<H3 ><FONT size=3>More I/O with new communication module <p></p></FONT></H3>
<P ><B >更多的输入</B><B ><FONT face="Times New Roman">/</FONT></B><B >输出点</B><B ><p></p></B></P>
<P >A new communication module is now available from the famous family of Logo! logic modules from Siemens AG. A combination of basic module and communication module (CM), for example, facilitates a maximum of 16 digital inputs, 8 analog inputs and 12 digital outputs, in addition to the inputs/outputs on the basic module for use on the <I >EIB/Konnex (EIB/KNX) </I>bus system. The expansion module must be the last module in a configuration.<p></p></P>
<P >众所周知,西门子LOGO控制器功能强大,具有良好的可扩展性,如可扩展为具有16路数字量输入,8路模拟量输入,12路数字量输出的应用。如需增加在<I >EIB/Konnex</I>系统上的输入/输出点,只要在扩展的最后端加上LOGO/EIB网关即可。<p></p></P>
<P >The communication module enables data communication between the basic unit and external <I >EIB</I> devices (sensors, actuators).<p></p></P>
<P >LOGO/EIB网关具有双向通讯功能。这可以开发出很多的应用功能。</P>
<P >This makes it possible to analyze or condition the signals from analog sensors such as temperature detectors right in the basic unit. Both the results and the temperature value itself can be forwarded at any time to actuators on the <I >EIB </I>or visualized on a display or Touch Panel. As is generally known, sensors such as those for detecting brightness or levels can also be connected directly to the basic unit so that their latest values can be made available in system-compliant form over the <I >EIB. </I>This makes it very easy to control rainwater cisterns, for example, or entire wellness areas over the <I >EIB</I>. Additional examples are greenhouse control and gate control. <p></p></P>
<P >如可以连接各种传感器(如温度传感器)到LOGO,温度值和温度判断的结果发送到EIB的执行器中或通过EIB的触摸屏显示。<p></p></P>
<P >又如,连接到LOGO主机的灯光亮度传感器可以发送值和判断信号到EIB系统,用于控制灯光的开关,调光和电动窗帘。<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >Applicable in all cases is the fact that the logic module handles autonomous, distributed local control while a Touch Panel on the <I >EIB </I>is used for central operator control and monitoring of the entire building services application. <p></p></P>
<P >EIB系统的触摸屏和可视力化软件可以监控广泛分布的LOGO控制模快,这就可以实现从小规模到大规模的用于楼宇设备的控制。<p></p></P>
<H3 ><FONT size=3><FONT face=Arial>More functionality <p></p></FONT></FONT></H3>
<P ><B >更多的功能</B></P>
<P >When using a shutter control system, it is, among other things,  customary to be able to send or receive multiple "1" or "0" messages over the <I >EIB</I>. Until now, this was not possible with Logo! In combination with the new communication module, however, the inputs can now be programmed as monoflops in order to enable event-controlled access over the <I >EIB</I>. The preferred state ("1" or "0") of these inputs, as well as the monoflop time, are specifiable. <p></p></P>
<P >当使用遮阳电机控制时,EIB智能面板发出“1”和“0”的控制信号,借助单稳态触发器参数设置功能,可以实现由事件驱动的EIB信号控制同LOGO输出相连接的电机。可以设置输入的状态和延续时间。<p></p></P><p>
<P >The digital outputs can be programmed as standard outputs, for shutter control (edge evaluation) or for dimmer control. When two digital outputs are configured for shutter control, one output is always programmed for "0" suppression (only falling edges are transmitted as "0" over the <I >EIB</I>) and one for "1" suppression (only rising edges are transmitted as "1" over the <I >EIB</I>). The control of up and down motions and the tilting of the slats can be handled directly on the Logo! itself. <p></p></P>
<P >数字输出量可用于控制标准输出,用于遮阳控制(上升/下降沿判断)和用于调光控制。当两个数字量输入用于遮阳控制时,可以控制上下和角度控制。<p></p></P>
<P >When configured for dimmer control, two digital outputs are combined into one dimmer output. The first digital output is used for "more light", the second for "less light".  The dimming speed is specified as a parameter during <I >EIB </I>configuration. The communication module generates the 4-bit dimmer control value required for the <I >EIB </I>from the status of these outputs and from the parameter value that was set as dimmer speed.<p></p></P>
<P >当用于调光控制时,两个输出量用于调光输出,一个输出量用于“调亮”, 一个输出量用于“调暗”。LOGO/EIB网关可发出4 bit的EIB调光信号。<p></p></P>
<P >As an additional function, digital input I24 can be configured as bus status signal. If communication between the expansion module and other bus nodes is currently possible, the status of input I24 is "1". In all other cases, it is "0". This communication error can be visualized on the basic unit's display screen and can also serve as input for additional control functions. If the status is "0", the shutter control system can also be controlled  directly over Logo!.<p></p></P>
<P >数子量输入I24可以设置为EIB总线状态信号,EIB总线信号有电时信号为“1”,无电时为“0”,这样可以在LOGO的屏幕显示报警信号或有报警输入用于其他应用。<p></p></P>
<P >As additional new functionality, the communication module now makes the entire process image (inputs/outputs) of the logic module available on the <I >EIB</I>. This makes it possible for all Logo! values to be combined with other <I >EIB </I>data, including, of course, other logic modules.<p></p></P>
<P >LOGO/EIB网关还可以作为EIB系统的逻辑模块,用于处理各种信息。<p></p></P>
<P >The values of the analog sensors directly connected to the logic module are portrayed on the <I >EIB </I>as analog outputs. Type (percent or <I >EIB </I>floating-point), cyclic transmission or COV (change of value) threshold and minimum/maximum values for matching to actuators or panels can be specified separately for each value. <p></p></P>
<P >连接在LOGO模拟量输入上的传感器作为EIB的模拟量输出,有多种参数可以设置(包括类型:百分比或EIB浮点量,循环发送时间,状态上下限)<p></p></P>
<P >In order to keep the various clocks from developing time  discrepancies, particularly in larger installations, the clocks for the different logic modules can now be synchronized. Logo! can be configured both as time master and time slave. If configured as master, the time is transmitted once a day, as well as on every transition to Run mode, and on every time change (whether entered manually or the time was changed automatically for summer time/winter time). It goes without saying that synchronization via <I >EIB's </I>DCF-77 module is also possible.  <p></p></P>
<P >为了适应大型应用,LOGO的时钟可以同步。LOGO时钟可以设置为主/从。也可以由EIB的时钟发出信号同步所有的LOGO时钟。<p></p></P>
<H3 ><FONT size=3><FONT face=Arial>User-friendly configuration <p></p></FONT></FONT></H3>
<P ><B >方便的操作方式</B><B ><p></p></B></P>
<P ><p><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2> </FONT></p></P>
<P >The expansion module is configured using the ETS 2 configuration software. The required product database can be downloaded from the Internet (<a href="http://www.siemens.de/logo" target="_blank" >www.siemens.de/logo</A>). The following parameters can be configured:<p></p></P>
<P >LOGO/EIB网关通过ETS2软件编程<p></p></P>
<P >·      Hardware configuration (number of local I/O on Logo!)<p></p></P>
<P >·      硬件配置(输入/输出口数)<p></p></P>
<P >·      Choice between time master and time slave<p></p></P>
<P >·      设置时钟(主/从)<p></p></P>
<P >·      Use of input I24 as bus status signal<p></p></P>
<P >·      使用输入I24作为总线状态信号<p></p></P>
<P >·      Response to the failure / return of bus voltage<p></p></P>
<P >·      对总线掉电/恢复作出动作<p></p></P>
<P >·      Input type for digital inputs (normal/monoflop)<p></p></P>
<P >·      数字量输入类型设定(正常/单稳态触发器)<p></p></P>
<P >·      Output type for digital outputs (normal/dimmer/shutter)<p></p></P>
<P >·      数字量输入类型(正常/调关/遮阳)<p></p></P>
<P >·      For analog inputs (data type, match)<p></p></P>
<P >·      模拟量输入类型(数据类型,匹配条件)<p></p></P>
<P >·      For analog outputs (data type, send condition, match)<p></p></P>
<P >·      模拟量输出(数据类型,发送条件,匹配条件)<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<H3 ><FONT size=3><FONT face=Arial>Creating a switching program with "drag and drop"<p></p></FONT></FONT></H3>
<P ><B >通过直观的方式创建程序</B><B ><p></p></B></P>
<P ><p><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2> </FONT></p></P>
<P >The switching program for the logic module is created with "drag and drop" using the Logo!Soft Comfort editor. To date, a total of 34 functions are available which can be combined with one another as many as 130 times. The functions are divided into so-called basic functions and special functions. Examples of basic functions are AND and OR. Special functions include a wide variety of functions for timers, counters, memory cells and the evaluation of analog output signals. <p></p></P>
<P >可以通过Logo!Soft Comfort编辑软件使用“拖放”的方式编程。可使用34个功能块来建立最多130步的逻辑程序。功能块分为基本功能块和特殊功能块,如基本功能块有“与”和“或”。特殊功能块包括定时、计数、记忆块和处理模拟量等。<p></p></P>
<P >The extremely user-friendly backlit display has 4 lines with 12 characters per line and can show text, setpoints and actual values on the same line, and present the parameter modification options right in an on-screen message text. Configuring the display is very easy, and is done in the control program.  <p></p></P>
<P >LOGO本身具有4行每行12个字符的液晶显示,可以在一行显示文字,设定点和实际值,可以即时改变参数。可以通过程序设置屏幕的显示。<p></p></P>
<P >Logo!Soft Comfort provides a number of support systems for efficient creation and commissioning of switching programs. For example, the controller's actions can first be simulated on the PC. During operation, the online status can also be used for fault location, enabling modifications to be made quickly and  "cleanly" at any time. Comprehensive documentation and printing functions turn the software into a professional tool.  <p></p></P>
<P >Logo!Soft Comfort编辑软件可以支持在线仿真,工程师可以快速得到控制结果的反馈,可以快速修改程序。同时通过打印可以生成编程文档。<p></p></P>
<P ><p><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2> </FONT></p></P>
<H1 ><FONT face=Arial>Bottom line<p></p></FONT></H1>
<P ><B >概要</B><B ><p></p></B></P>
<P >Logo! now offers even more user-friendliness and flexibility for building services management. <p></p></P>
<P >现在LOGO可以提供更友好的操作界面和灵活性用于楼宇自动化。<p></p></P>
<P >The industrial-quality modules are being used more and more frequently for standalone applications in buildings. This is  impressively substantiated by the number of installations for lighting control systems, for example, in hotels and shutter or fan control systems in private homes. <p></p></P>
<P >LOGO具有工业级的质量,特别适合单独的小型建筑。这已被广泛的私人住宅项目和酒店项目所验证。<p></p></P>
<P >The innovative communication module gives the customer the chance to combine the advantages of <I >EIB</I>, such as more flexibility, more user-friendliness, more security and the opportunity to save energy, with the advantages of the logic modules, such as the possibility of additional autonomous local control, and to do so more easily than ever before. Popular applications are temperature control; shutter, blind and awning  control; light, door and gate control; and irrigation and sprinkler control in greenhouses. The logic module handles control autonomously, and exchanges data with the higher-order building services management system over the <I >EIB/Konnex </I>bus system.<p></p></P>
<P >新的网关提供集成EIB的优点和LOGO优点的机会,能提供给用户更高性价比的灯光、遮阳电机、风机、自动门、灌溉等设备的控制解决方案。通过该网关和EIB系统的通讯能力,可以连接多个LOGO组成大中型控制系统。<p></p></P>
<P >The "dream team" of Logo! and <I >EIB</I> also aims to set future trends in building services automation. <p></p></P>
<P >西门子LOGO和EIB“梦幻团队”将引领楼宇自动化向更高集成和性价比的方向发展!<B ><p></p></B></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
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<P ><B ><BR  clear=all></B> </P>
<P ><B >Interesting Internet links:<p></p></B></P>
<P ><B >网络链接</B><B ><p></p></B></P>
<P ><a href="http://www.siemens.de/logo" target="_blank" >http://www.siemens.de/logo</A>  <p></p></P>
<P ><a href="http://www.siemens.de/installationstechnik" target="_blank" >http://www.siemens.de/installationstechnik</A> <p></p></P>
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