这是一份OXO ACFE认证试巻,总共30道题,时间45分钟,正确率75%为及格,试试看您能否通过认证。
Question 1:On which feature can you activate an anti-virus?
③ Email
④ Web surfing
Question 2:What is the possible use for user accounts created in Alcatel OmniPCX Office?
① For VPN Client
② To open a session on a NT PC
③ To open a connection to Alcatel OmniPCX Office
④ To open a session on the PM5 management tool
Question 3:How many rotating DDI numbers can be created in a hotel configuration ?
① Unlimited
② None
③ 128
④ 80
Question 4:What is the use of the "fax call routing" feature on Alcatel OmniPCX Office?
① To route a fax to a server
② To associate a fax with a specific number
③ To use a single DDI number to route fax calls to a fax and voice calls to a set
④ To route fax calls through the automated attendant
Question 5:Witch protocol is used during the connection to the ISP when checking the login and password ?
Question 6:What is the function of the parameter "destination if restricted mode manually activated" in the time ranges menu ?
① Incoming attendant groups calls will be forwarded through a speed dial number in case of Restricted mode manual activation
② Sets forwarding to that destination when the restricted mode is active for these sets
③ Forwarding of incoming calls to that destination if the attendant calls diversion parameter is set to YES for the considered time range
④ Forwarding of incoming calls to that destination if the “Restricted Mode” is activated for the considered time range
Question 7
Which user(s) can open the general mailbox in an Alcatel OmniPCX Office?
① All if pwd has only numerics
② Only the default attendant set (physical address 01-001)
③ All members of attendant groups
④ Only authorised sets
Question 8
When using only the Internet Access configuration wizard (menu Wizard -> connection wizard), what can you configure ?
① Primary DNS address only
② Secondary DNS address only
③ Primary and secondary DNS address
④ Nothing, neither the primary DNS address nor the second one
Question 9
When using the callback (protected) mode for remote access :
① You can only modify the customer system in operator session
② You only have access to the anomaly messages
③ The remote site performs a recall of a preconfigured number
④ You can read but not modify the customer system parameters
Question 10
For which function do you use ETRN commands ?
① Firewall
② Proxy
③ E-mail
Question 11
On an Easy set, all resource keys have been deleted except one, what's the result ?
① It can set up a call even in restricted mode
② There can't be more than one call and that call can't be transfered
③ The system puts the set out of service
④ It can't call anymore
Question 12
What is the use of the parameter "diversion apply" in the dynamic routing menu ?
① To authorise dynamic forwarding
② To give priority to an immediate forwarding
③ To give priority to all kinds of forwarding except selective forwarding
④ To define if calls can be forwarded
Question 13
Set 103 has a selective forwarding including a “negative” list. What's the consequence ?
① List for which defined callers will be connected to 103
② List for which defined callers will be forwarded to the destination of the selective forwarding
③ List not taken into account after selective forwarding activation
④ All the sets except callers defined in the list will be connected to the 103 set
Question 14
What type of call can be managed by a general resource key ?
① Incoming internal and externals calls only
② Internal sets calls only
③ Outgoing internal and external calls only
④ Incoming and outgoing, internal and external calls
Question 15
When the POWER LED of the CPU is blinking red , what is the meaning ?
① A serious system anomaly is detected
② A mains failure near to the threshold of battery switch
③ The system is running a shutdown
④ The system is out of power
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-9 10:46:11编辑过]