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magic 发布于: 2003-11-9 17:24 734 次浏览 13 位用户参与讨论
按端口号可分为3大类: (1)公认端口(Well Known Ports):从0到1023,它们紧密绑定(binding)于一些服务。通常这些端口的通讯明确表明了某种服务的协议。例如:80端口实际上总是HTTP通讯。 (2)注册端口(Registered Ports):从1024到49151。它们松散地绑定于一些服务。也就是说有许多服务绑定于这些端口,这些端口同样用于许多其它目的。例如:许多系统处理动态端口从1024左右开始。 (3)动态和/或私有端口(Dynamic and/or Private Ports):从49152到65535。理论上,不应为服务分配这些端口。实际上,机器通常从1024起分配动态端口。但也有例外:SUN的RPC端口从32768开始。 0 通常用于分析操作系统。这一方法能够工作是因为在一些系统中“0”是无效端口,当你试图使用一种通常的闭合端口连接它时将产生不同的结果。一种典型的扫描:使用IP地址为0.0.0.0,设置ACK位并在以太网层广播。 1 tcpmux TCP Port Service Multiplexer 传输控制协议端口服务多路开关选择器 2 compressnet Management Utility   compressnet 管理实用程序 3 compressnet Compression Process   压缩进程 5 rje Remote Job Entry     远程作业登录 7 echo Echo       回显 9 discard Discard     丢弃 11 systat Active Users     在线用户 13 daytime Daytime      时间 17 qotd Quote of the Day    每日引用 18 msp Message Send Protocol    消息发送协议 19 chargen Character Generator   字符发生器 20 ftp-data File Transfer[Default Data]  文件传输协议(默认数据口)  21 ftp File Transfer[Control]    文件传输协议(控制) 22 ssh SSH Remote Login Protocol   SSH远程登录协议 23 telnet Telnet     终端仿真协议 24 any private mail system    预留给个人用邮件系统 25 smtp Simple Mail Transfer    简单邮件发送协议 27 nsw-fe NSW User System FE    NSW 用户系统现场工程师 29 msg-icp MSG ICP      MSG ICP 31 msg-auth MSG Authentication   MSG验证 33 dsp Display Support Protocol   显示支持协议 35 any private printer server   预留给个人打印机服务 37 time Time       时间 38 rap Route Access Protocol    路由访问协议 39 rlp Resource Location Protocol   资源定位协议 41 graphics Graphics     图形 42 nameserver WINS Host Name Server   WINS 主机名服务 43 nicname Who Is     "绰号" who is服务 44 mpm-flags MPM FLAGS Protocol   MPM(消息处理模块)标志协议 45 mpm Message Processing Module [recv]  消息处理模块  46 mpm-snd MPM [default send]    消息处理模块(默认发送口) 47 ni-ftp NI FTP     NI FTP 48 auditd Digital Audit Daemon   数码音频后台服务49 tacacs Login Host Protocol (TACACS)  TACACS登录主机协议50 re-mail-ck Remote Mail Checking Protocol  远程邮件检查协议[未结束] 51 la-maint IMP Logical Address Maintenance  IMP(接口信息处理机)逻辑地址维护 52 xns-time XNS Time Protocol    施乐网络服务系统时间协议 53 domain Domain Name Server    域名服务器 54 xns-ch XNS Clearinghouse     施乐网络服务系统票据交换 55 isi-gl ISI Graphics Language   ISI图形语言 56 xns-auth XNS Authentication   施乐网络服务系统验证 57 ? any private terminal access   预留个人用终端访问 58 xns-mail XNS Mail     施乐网络服务系统邮件 59 any private file service    预留个人文件服务 60 Unassigned      未定义 61 ni-mail NI MAIL      NI邮件? 62 acas ACA Services     异步通讯适配器服务 63 whois+ whois+      WHOIS+ 64 covia Communications Integrator (CI)  通讯接口  65 tacacs-ds TACACS-Database Service   TACACS数据库服务 66 sql*net Oracle SQL*NET    Oracle SQL*NET 67 bootps Bootstrap Protocol Server   引导程序协议服务端 68 bootpc Bootstrap Protocol Client   引导程序协议客户端 69 tftp Trivial File Transfer    小型文件传输协议 70 gopher Gopher     信息检索协议 71 netrjs-1 Remote Job Service   远程作业服务 72 netrjs-2 Remote Job Service   远程作业服务 73 netrjs-3 Remote Job Service   远程作业服务 74 netrjs-4 Remote Job Service   远程作业服务 75 any private dial out service   预留给个人拨出服务 76 deos Distributed External Object Store 分布式外部对象存储  77 any private RJE service     预留给个人远程作业输入服务 78 vettcp vettcp     修正TCP? 79 finger Finger     查询远程主机在线用户等信息 80 http World Wide Web HTTP     全球信息网超文本传输协议 81 hosts2-ns HOSTS2 Name Server   HOST2名称服务 82 xfer XFER Utility     传输实用程序 83 mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device     模块化智能终端ML设备 84 ctf Common Trace Facility    公用追踪设备 85 mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device     模块化智能终端ML设备 86 mfcobol Micro Focus Cobol    Micro Focus Cobol编程语言 87 any private terminal link   预留给个人终端连接 88 kerberos Kerberos     Kerberros安全认证系统 89 su-mit-tg SU/MIT Telnet Gateway   SU/MIT终端仿真网关 90 dnsix DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map  DNSIX 安全属性标记图91 mit-dov MIT Dover Spooler    MIT Dover假脱机 92 npp Network Printing Protocol   网络打印协议 93 dcp Device Control Protocol   设备控制协议 94 objcall Tivoli Object Dispatcher   Tivoli对象调度 95 supdup  SUPDUP     96 dixie DIXIE Protocol Specification   DIXIE协议规范 97 swift-rvf(Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol)快速远程虚拟文件协议98 tacnews TAC News      TAC新闻协议 99 metagram Metagram Relay     100 newacct [unauthorized use] 101=NIC Host Name Server 102=ISO-TSAP 103=Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net 104=ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300 105=Mailbox Name Nameserver 106=3COM-TSMUX3com-tsmux 107=Remote Telnet Service 108=SNA Gateway Access Server 109=Post Office Protocol - Version 2 110=Post Office Protocol - Version 3 111=SUN RPC 112=McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol 113=Authentication Service 114=Audio News Multicast 115=Simple File Transfer Protocol 116=ANSA REX Notify 117=UUCP Path Service 118=SQL Servicessqlserv 119=Network News Transfer Protocol 120=CFDPTKTcfdptkt 121=Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call 122=SMAKYNETsmakynet 123=Network Time Protocol 124=ANSA REX Trader 125=Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser 126=Unisys Unitary Login 127=Locus PC-Interface Conn Server 128=GSS X License Verification 129=Password Generator Protocol 130=cisco FNATIVE 131=cisco TNATIVE 132=cisco SYSMAINT 133=Statistics Service 134=INGRES-NET Service 135=Location Service 136=PROFILE Naming System 137=NETBIOS Name Service 138=NETBIOS Datagram Service 139=NETBIOS Session Service 140=EMFIS Data Service 141=EMFIS Control Service 142=Britton-Lee IDM 143=Interim Mail Access Protocol v2 144=NewSnews 145=UAAC Protocoluaac 146=ISO-IP0iso-tp0 147=ISO-IPiso-ip 148=CRONUS-SUPPORT 149=AED 512 Emulation Service 150=SQL-NETsql-net 151=HEMShems 152=Background File Transfer Program 153=SGMPsgmp 154=NETSCnetsc-prod 155=NETSCnetsc-dev 156=SQL Service 157=KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol 158=PCMail Serverpcmail-srv 159=NSS-Routingnss-routing 160=SGMP-TRAPSsgmp-traps 161=SNMP 162=SNMP TRAP 163=CMIP/TCP Manager 164=CMIP/TCP Agent 165=Xeroxxns-courier 166=Sirius Systems 167=NAMPnamp 168=RSVDrsvd 169=Send 170=Network PostScript 170=Network PostScript 171=Network Innovations Multiplex 172=Network Innovations CL/1 173=Xyplexxyplex-mux 174=MAILQ 175=VMNET 176=GENRAD-MUXgenrad-mux 177=X Display Manager Control Protocol 178=NextStep Window Server 179=Border Gateway Protocol 180=Intergraphris 181=Unifyunify 182=Unisys Audit SITP 183=OCBinderocbinder 184=OCServerocserver 185=Remote-KIS 186=KIS Protocolkis 187=Application Communication Interface 188=Plus Five's MUMPS 189=Queued File Transport 189=Queued File Transport 190=Gateway Access Control Protocol 190=Gateway Access Control Protocol 191=Prospero Directory Service 191=Prospero Directory Service 192=OSU Network Monitoring System 193=srmp, Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol 194=irc, Internet Relay Chat Protocl 195=DNSIX Network Level Module Audit 196=DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir 197=Directory Location Service 198=Directory Location Service Monitor 199=SMUX 200=IBM System Resource Controller 201=at-rtmp AppleTalk Routing Maintenance 202=at-nbp AppleTalk Name Binding 203=at-3 AppleTalk Unused 204=AppleTalk Echo 205=AppleTalk Unused 206=AppleTalk Zone Information 207=AppleTalk Unused 208=AppleTalk Unused 209=Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol 210=ANSI Z39.50z39.50 211=Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal 212=ATEXSSTRanet 213=IPX 214=VM PWSCSvmpwscs 215=Insignia Solutions 216=Access Technology License Server 217=dBASE Unix 218=Netix Message Posting Protocol 219=Unisys ARPsuarps 220=Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 221=Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth 222=Berkeley rshd with SPX auth 223=Certificate Distribution Center 224=Reserved (224-241) 241=Reserved (224-241) 242=Unassigned# 243=Survey Measurement 244=Unassigned# 245=LINKlink 246=Display Systems Protocol 247-255 Reserved 256-343 Unassigned 344=Prospero Data Access Protocol 345=Perf Analysis Workbench 346=Zebra serverzserv 347=Fatmen Serverfatserv 348=Cabletron Management Protocol 349-370 Unassigned 371=Clearcaseclearcase 372=Unix Listservulistserv 373=Legent Corporation 374=Legent Corporation 375=Hasslehassle 376=Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto 377=NEC Corporation 378=NEC Corporation 379=TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client 380=TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server 381=hp performance data collector 382=hp performance data managed node 383=hp performance data alarm manager 384=A Remote Network Server System 385=IBM Application 386=ASA Message Router Object Def. 387=Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro. 388=Unidata LDM Version 4 389=Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 390=UISuis 391=SynOptics SNMP Relay Port 392=SynOptics Port Broker Port 393=Data Interpretation System 394=EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer 395=NETscout Control Protocol 396=Novell Netware over IP 397=Multi Protocol Trans. Net. 398=Kryptolankryptolan 399=Unassigned# 400=Workstation Solutions 401=Uninterruptible Power Supply 402=Genie Protocol 403=decapdecap 404=ncednced 405=ncldncld 406=Interactive Mail Support Protocol 407=Timbuktutimbuktu 408=Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man. 409=Prospero Resource Manager Node Man. 410=DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol 411=Remote MT Protocol 412=Trap Convention Port 413=SMSPsmsp 414=InfoSeekinfoseek 415=BNetbnet 416=Silverplattersilverplatter 417=Onmuxonmux 418=Hyper-Ghyper-g 419=Arielariel1 420=SMPTEsmpte 421=Arielariel2 422=Arielariel3 423=IBM Operations Planning and Control Start 424=IBM Operations Planning and Control Track 425=ICADicad-el 426=smartsdpsmartsdp 427=Server Location 429=OCS_AMU 430=UTMPSDutmpsd 431=UTMPCDutmpcd 432=IASDiasd 433=NNSPnnsp 434=MobileIP-Agent 435=MobilIP-MN 436=DNA-CMLdna-cml 437=comscmcomscm 439=dasp, Thomas Obermair 440=sgcpsgcp 441=decvms-sysmgtdecvms-sysmgt 442=cvc_hostdcvc_hostd 443=https 444=Simple Network Paging Protocol 445=Microsoft-DS 446=DDM-RDBddm-rdb 447=DDM-RFMddm-dfm 448=DDM-BYTEddm-byte 449=AS Server Mapper 450=TServertserver 512=exec, Remote process execution 513=login, remote login 514=cmd, exec with auto auth. 514=syslog 515=Printer spooler 516=Unassigned 517=talk 519=unixtime 520=extended file name server 521=Unassigned 522=Unassigned 523=Unassigned 524=Unassigned 526=newdate 530=rpc courier 531=chatconference 532=readnewsnetnews 533=for emergency broadcasts 539=Apertus Technologies Load Determination 540=uucp 541=uucp-rlogin 542=Unassigned 543=klogin 544=kshell 545=Unassigned 546=Unassigned 547=Unassigned 548=Unassigned 549=Unassigned 550=new-who 551=Unassigned 552=Unassigned 553=Unassigned 554=Unassigned 555=dsf 556=remotefs 557-559=rmonitor 560=rmonitord 561=dmonitor 562=chcmd 563=Unassigned 564=plan 9 file service 565=whoami 566-569 Unassigned 570=demonmeter 571=udemonmeter 572-599 Unassigned ipc server 600=Sun IPC server 607=nqs 606=Cray Unified Resource Manager 608=Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer 609=npmp-trapnpmp-trap 610=npmp-localnpmp-local 611=npmp-guinpmp-gui 634=ginadginad 666=Doom Id Software 704=errlog copy/server daemon 709=EntrustManager 729=IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client 730=IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp 731=IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp 741=netGWnetgw 742=Network based Rev. Cont. Sys. 744=Flexible License Manager 747=Fujitsu Device Control 748=Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager 749=kerberos administration 751=pump 752=qrh 754=send 758=nlogin 759=con 760=ns

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magic 发表于 2003-11-9 17:24:00
762=quotad 763=cycleserv 765=webster 767=phonephonebook 769=vid 771=rtip 772=cycleserv2 774=acmaint_dbd 775=acmaint_transd 780=wpgs 786=Concertconcert 800=mdbs_daemon 996=Central Point Software 997=maitrd 999=puprouter 1023=Reserved 1024=Reserved 1025=network blackjack 1030=BBN IAD 1031=BBN IAD 1032=BBN IAD 1067=Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv. 1068=Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli. 1080=SOCKS 1083=Anasoft License Manager 1084=Anasoft License Manager 1155=Network File Access 1222=SNI R&D network 1248=hermes 1346=Alta Analytics License Manager 1347=multi media conferencing 1347=multi media conferencing 1348=multi media conferencing 1349=Registration Network Protocol 1350=Registration Network Protocol 1351=Digital Tool Works (MIT) 1352=/Lotus Notelotusnote 1353=Relief Consulting 1354=RightBrain Software 1355=Intuitive Edge 1356=CuillaMartin Company 1357=Electronic PegBoard 1358=CONNLCLIconnlcli 1359=FTSRVftsrv 1360=MIMERmimer 1361=LinX 1362=TimeFliestimeflies 1363=Network DataMover Requester 1364=Network DataMover Server 1365=Network Software Associates 1366=Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform 1367=DCSdcs 1368=ScreenCastscreencast 1369=GlobalView to Unix Shell 1370=Unix Shell to GlobalView 1371=Fujitsu Config Protocol 1372=Fujitsu Config Protocol 1373=Chromagrafxchromagrafx 1374=EPI Software Systems 1375=Bytexbytex 1376=IBM Person to Person Software 1377=Cichlid License Manager 1378=Elan License Manager 1379=Integrity Solutions 1380=Telesis Network License Manager 1381=Apple Network License Manager 1382=udt_os 1383=GW Hannaway Network License Manager 1384=Objective Solutions License Manager 1385=Atex Publishing License Manager 1386=CheckSum License Manager 1387=Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM 1388=Objective Solutions DataBase Cache 1389=Document Manager 1390=Storage Controller 1391=Storage Access Server 1392=Print Managericlpv-pm 1393=Network Log Server 1394=Network Log Client 1395=PC Workstation Manager software 1396=DVL Active Mail 1397=Audio Active Mail 1398=Video Active Mail 1399=Cadkey License Manager 1400=Cadkey Tablet Daemon 1401=Goldleaf License Manager 1402=Prospero Resource Manager 1403=Prospero Resource Manager 1404=Infinite Graphics License Manager 1405=IBM Remote Execution Starter 1406=NetLabs License Manager 1407=DBSA License Manager 1408=Sophia License Manager 1409=Here License Manager 1410=HiQ License Manager 1411=AudioFileaf 1412=InnoSysinnosys 1413=Innosys-ACLinnosys-acl 1414=IBM MQSeriesibm-mqseries 1415=DBStardbstar 1416=Novell LU6.2novell-lu6.2 1417=Timbuktu Service 1 Port 1417=Timbuktu Service 1 Port 1418=Timbuktu Service 2 Port 1419=Timbuktu Service 3 Port 1420=Timbuktu Service 4 Port 1421=Gandalf License Manager 1422=Autodesk License Manager 1423=Essbase Arbor Software 1424=Hybrid Encryption Protocol 1425=Zion Software License Manager 1426=Satellite-data Acquisition System 1 1427=mloadd monitoring tool 1428=Informatik License Manager 1429=Hypercom NMSnms 1430=Hypercom TPDUtpdu 1431=Reverse Gosip Transport 1432=Blueberry Software License Manager 1433=Microsoft-SQL-Server 1434=Microsoft-SQL-Monitor 1435=IBM CISCibm-cics 1436=Satellite-data Acquisition System 2 1437=Tabulatabula 1438=Eicon Security Agent/Server 1439=Eicon X25/SNA Gateway 1440=Eicon Service Location Protocol 1441=Cadis License Management 1442=Cadis License Management 1443=Integrated Engineering Software 1444=Marcam License Management 1445=Proxima License Manager 1446=Optical Research Associates License Manager 1447=Applied Parallel Research LM 1448=OpenConnect License Manager 1449=PEportpeport 1450=Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility 1451=IBM Information Management 1452=GTE Government Systems License Man 1453=Genie License Manager 1454=interHDL License Manager 1454=interHDL License Manager 1455=ESL License Manager 1456=DCAdca 1457=Valisys License Manager 1458=Nichols Research Corp. 1459=Proshare Notebook Application 1460=Proshare Notebook Application 1461=IBM Wireless LAN 1462=World License Manager 1463=Nucleusnucleus 1464=MSL License Manager 1465=Pipes Platform 1466=Ocean Software License Manager 1467=CSDMBASEcsdmbase 1468=CSDMcsdm 1469=Active Analysis Limited License Manager 1470=Universal Analytics 1471=csdmbasecsdmbase 1472=csdmcsdm 1473=OpenMathopenmath 1474=Telefindertelefinder 1475=Taligent License Manager 1476=clvm-cfgclvm-cfg 1477=ms-sna-server 1478=ms-sna-base 1479=dberegisterdberegister 1480=PacerForumpacerforum 1481=AIRSairs 1482=Miteksys License Manager 1483=AFS License Manager 1484=Confluent License Manager 1485=LANSourcelansource 1486=nms_topo_serv 1487=LocalInfoSrvr 1488=DocStordocstor 1489=dmdocbrokerdmdocbroker 1490=insitu-confinsitu-conf 1491=anynetgateway 1492=stone-design-1 1493=netmap_lmnetmap_lm 1494=icaica 1495=cvccvc 1496=liberty-lmliberty-lm 1497=rfx-lmrfx-lm 1498=Watcom-SQLwatcom-sql 1499=Federico Heinz Consultora 1500=VLSI License Manager 1501=Satellite-data Acquisition System 3 1502=Shivashivadiscovery 1503=Databeamimtc-mcs 1504=EVB Software Engineering License Manager 1505=Funk Software, Inc. 1524=ingres 1525=oracle 1525=Prospero Directory Service non-priv 1526=Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv 1527=oracletlisrv 1529=oraclecoauthor 1600=issd 1651=proshare conf audio 1652=proshare conf video 1653=proshare conf data 1654=proshare conf request 1655=proshare conf notify 1661=netview-aix-1netview-aix-1 1662=netview-aix-2netview-aix-2 1663=netview-aix-3netview-aix-3 1664=netview-aix-4netview-aix-4 1665=netview-aix-5netview-aix-5 1666=netview-aix-6netview-aix-6 1986=cisco license management 1987=cisco RSRB Priority 1 port 1988=cisco RSRB Priority 2 port 1989=cisco RSRB Priority 3 port 1989=MHSnet systemmshnet 1990=cisco STUN Priority 1 port 1991=cisco STUN Priority 2 port 1992=cisco STUN Priority 3 port 1992=IPsendmsgipsendmsg 1993=cisco SNMP TCP port 1994=cisco serial tunnel port 1995=cisco perf port 1996=cisco Remote SRB port 1997=cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol 1998=cisco X.25 service (XOT) 1999=cisco identification port 2009=whosockami 2010=pipe_server 2011=raid 2012=raid-ac 2013=rad-am 2015=raid-cs 2016=bootserver 2017=terminaldb 2018=rellpack 2019=about 2019=xinupageserver 2020=xinupageserver 2021=xinuexpansion1 2021=down 2022=xinuexpansion2 2023=xinuexpansion3 2023=xinuexpansion4 2024=xinuexpansion4 2025=xribs 2026=scrabble 2027=shadowserver 2028=submitserver 2039=device2 2032=blackboard 2033=glogger 2034=scoremgr 2035=imsldoc 2038=objectmanager 2040=lam 2041=interbase 2042=isis 2043=isis-bcast 2044=primsl 2045=cdfunc 2047=dls 2048=dls-monitor 2065=Data Link Switch Read Port Number 2067=Data Link Switch Write Port Number 2201=Advanced Training System Program 2500=Resource Tracking system server 2501=Resource Tracking system client 2564=HP 3000 NS/VT block mode telnet 2784=world wide web - development 3049=ccmail 3264=ccmail, cc:mail/lotus 3333=dec-notes 3984=MAPPER network node manager 3985=MAPPER TCP/IP server 3986=MAPPER workstation server 3421=Bull Apprise portmapper 3900=Unidata UDT OS 4132=NUTS Daemonnuts_dem 4133=NUTS Bootp Server 4343=UNICALL 4444=KRB524 4672=remote file access server 5002=radio free ethernet 5010=TelepathStarttelelpathstart 5011=TelepathAttack 5050=multimedia conference control tool 5145=rmonitor_secure 5190=aol, America-Online 5300=HA cluster heartbeat 5301=hacl-gs # HA cluster general services 5302=HA cluster configuration 5303=hacl-probe HA cluster probing 5305=hacl-test 6000-6063=x11 X Window System 6111=sub-process HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control 6141/=meta-corp Meta Corporation License Manager 6142=aspentec-lm Aspen Technology License Manager 6143=watershed-lm Watershed License Manager 6144=statsci1-lm StatSci License Manager - 1 6145=statsci2-lm StatSci License Manager - 2 6146=lonewolf-lm Lone Wolf Systems License Manager 6147=montage-lm Montage License Manager 7000=afs3-fileserver file server itself 7001=afs3-callback callbacks to cache managers 7002=afs3-prserver users & groups database 7003=afs3-vlserver volume location database 7004=afs3-kaserver AFS/Kerberos authentication service 7005=afs3-volser volume managment server 7006=afs3-errors error interpretation service 7007=afs3-bos basic overseer process 7008=afs3-update server-to-server updater 7009=afs3-rmtsys remote cache manager service 7010=ups-online onlinet uninterruptable power supplies 7100=X Font Service 7200=FODMS FLIP 7626=冰河 8010=Wingate 8181=IMail 9535=man 45576=E代时光专业代理端口
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lhfaer 发表于 2003-11-12 09:06:00
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noesis 发表于 2003-11-24 15:49:00
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shenhaizz 发表于 2003-11-24 16:37:00
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songxin_2004 发表于 2004-4-21 14:41:00
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choiceheng 发表于 2004-4-22 09:40:00
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thisok 发表于 2004-4-22 14:38:00
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overseaair 发表于 2004-4-22 21:38:00
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qinjiu202159 发表于 2004-4-23 11:43:00
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syxxljx 发表于 2004-4-25 19:18:00
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kn21c 发表于 2004-4-27 22:41:00
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gjf 发表于 2004-5-17 09:17:00
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viki羊 发表于 2004-5-17 19:43:00


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