This article discusses how to enable outgoing ICQ 2000b beta version traffic to pass through Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server.
简介:本文讨论如何让ICQ 2000b beta版的通信通过ISA服务器
You may be unable to have outbound network traffic pass through ISA Server when you use ICQ 2000b beta version for client-to-server connectivity, even if you have the ICQ protocol definition enabled for outbound access. Earlier versions of ICQ do not experience this problem.
当你使用ICQ 2000b beta版 作客户端-服务器的连接时,即使你在 "outbound access" 中打开了ICQ协议定义(protocol definition ), 你也可能无法让网络通信通过ISA服务器. 早期版本的ICQ没有此问题.
ICQ 2000b beta version uses Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 5190, which is the same port used in the protocol definition for AOL Instant Messenger.
ICQ 2000b beta版使用TCP 5190端口, 在协议定义(protocol definition )中此端口由AOL Instant Messenger使用.
If you add AOL Instant Messenger to the list of permitted protocols, you may be able to use ICQ 2000b beta version to connect to ISA Server.
如果你在许可协议列表中添加了AOL Instant Messenger,你将可以使用ICQ 2000b beta版连接至ISA服务器