*Only for EVM 8100: VERSION EVM810A2* ( DATE : 011226 ) EVM PROGRAMMING ITEM EVM PROGRAMMING DATA EXPLANATION For op / ext ring duration during
working / closing hrs SYS _ 2 _ 2 _ [00],SYS _ 2 _ 3 _ [00]
SYS _ 2 _ 4 _ [00],SYS _ 2 _ 5 _ [00] Un-supervisory ringback tone For release after answer SYS _ 5 _ 2 _ [5] ON HOOK For release w / o waiting SYS _ 5 _ 3 _ [5] ON HOOK For retrieving call once error tone SYS _ 5 _ 4 _ [1] HOOK FLASH For retrieving call once on busy SYS _ 5 _ 5 _ [1] HOOK FLASH For retrieving call once no answer SYS _ 5 _ 6 _ [1] HOOK FLASH For message lamp onRS - 232 ProtocolRefer to RS - 232 programmingFor message lamp offRS - 232 ProtocolRefer to RS - 232 programmingFor directly pick up SYS _ 5 _ 9 _ [8]Function code + ExtnFor code of message lamp onRS - 232 ProtocolRefer to RS - 232 programmingFor code of message lamp offRS - 232 ProtocolRefer to RS - 232 programmingFor hook flash timeSYS _ 7 _ 1 _ [ By auto detection ]Refer to EVM GUIDE:
How to auto detect hook flash timeFor error tone cycleSYS _ 7 _ 4 _ 1 _ [026]
SYS _ 7 _ 4 _ 2 _ [019]
SYS _ 7 _ 4 _ 3 _ [026]
SYS _ 7 _ 4 _ 4 _ [019]Refer to EVM GUIDE:
How to auto detect error tone cycleFor busy tone cycleSYS _ 7 _ 5 _ 1 _ [048]
SYS _ 7 _ 5 _ 2 _ [045]
SYS _ 7 _ 5 _ 3 _ [048]
SYS _ 7 _ 5 _ 4 _ [045]Refer to EVM GUIDE:
How to auto detect busy tone cycleFor ringback tone cycleSYS _ 7 _ 6 _ 1 _ [096]
SYS _ 7 _ 6 _ 2 _ [370]
SYS _ 7 _ 6 _ 3 _ [096]
SYS _ 7 _ 6 _ 4 _ [370]Refer to EVM GUIDE:
How to auto detect ringback tone cycleFor code of directly pick upADM _ 5 _ 9907 _ [ Function code ]Refer to PBX programming(*78) |