还有 I B M A C S 的作者: wangdong 时间: 2002-7-3 17:23
NORDX/CDT 从1997年六类草案第一稿公布开始就推出了符合当时标准的IBDN 2400系列电缆,1999又推出了承诺带宽300MHz的IBDN 4800系列电缆;怎么会是没有达到六类性能呢?而且IBDN 2400线缆现在也可以通过FLUKE 4300的TIA CAT.6的PERMANENT LINK (永久链路)的测试,为什么会是没有达到六类性能呢?至于接插件方面NORDX/CDT IBDN 的PS6+的模块,Giga BIX 系统以及Giga Flex PS6+接线盘都是达到300MHz的六类产品。
NORDX/CDT was the only no vote due to an issue regarding RL testing of patch cords. Issue on different test heads. Current Cat 5e test head is not specified to 250MHz. Design of test head does not meet requirements. Has been resolved in a note that test head must be qualified and recommends correct test head:
For testing category 6 modular cord return loss performance, a modular cord test head that is qualified to the requirements specified in clause F.5.3 of ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B.2 should be used