pabxman 发表于 2007-1-23 11:04:00


pabxman 发表于 2007-1-23 11:38:00


pabxman 发表于 2007-1-23 12:55:00


pabxman 发表于 2007-1-23 13:07:00

<p>好像这部分有问题:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p></p><p></p><p>抓下来的原文件:</p><p>DES&nbsp; MMAGT1<br/>TN&nbsp;&nbsp; 010 0 00 00<br/>TYPE 2008<br/>CDEN 8D<br/>CUST 0<br/>KLS&nbsp; 1<br/>FDN<br/>TGAR 0<br/>LDN&nbsp; NO<br/>NCOS 0<br/>SGRP 0<br/>RNPG 0<br/>SCI&nbsp; 0<br/>SSU<br/>XLST<br/>SCPW<br/>SFLT NO<br/>CAC&nbsp; 0<br/>CLS&nbsp; UNR FBD WTA LPR MTD FND HTD NDD<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; MWD AAD IMA XHD IRD NID OLD VCE<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; POD DSX VMA CMSD CCSD SWD LND CNDD<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CFTD SFD MRD DDV CNID<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ICDD CDMD LLCN MCTD AUTU<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; GPUD DPUD DNDD CFXA ARHD CNTD CLTD ASCD<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CPFA CPTA HSPD ABDD CFHD FICD NAID<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; UDI RCC HBTD AHD DDGA NAMA MIND PRSD NRWD NRCD NROD<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; EXR0<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; USRD ULAD CCBD OCBD<br/>HUNT<br/>PLEV 02<br/>SPID NONE<br/>AST<br/>IAPG 0<br/>ITNA NO<br/>DGRP<br/>PRI&nbsp; 01<br/>MLWU_LANG 0<br/>DNDR 0<br/>KEY&nbsp; 00 ACD 7000 7830<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; AGN<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 01 SCN 7800&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; MARP<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 02 MSB<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 03 NRD<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 04 RLS<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 05 RLS<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 06 TRN<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 07 AO3<br/>DATE 22 MAY 1991<br/></p>

computer 发表于 2007-1-24 10:13:00

<p>好东东,要顶啊 。。。</p><p>好像没有问题哦</p>

pabxman 发表于 2007-1-24 13:53:00


mzmxlichong 发表于 2007-1-24 16:54:00


gong_chan 发表于 2007-1-25 15:38:00


ttttttzzzxxx 发表于 2007-1-29 16:25:00

<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>xineronline</i>在2007-1-25 9:18:00的发言:</b><br/><p>就目前情况来看,还是国内智能家居产品不够成熟.任何新型的产品的推出都是需要一个磨合期.所以目前智能家居厂家和产品都有待进步.只有生产商研发部质量,外观,性能等性价比高,才会吸引更多的客户.</p></div><p></p>

Wee 发表于 2007-1-29 17:14:00


zhangjian22 发表于 2007-2-2 15:13:00

<p>我有类似的工具,但是碰到一个问题始终无法解决。</p><p>如果CLS AUTR,AUTH PASSWORD 绑定于每个分机,这样的话,只有打印某个分机TNB才能显示PASSWORD,如果用打印TNB全部,则PASSWORD,无法显示。</p><p>对于这点在维护过程中,都要手动删改,令小弟头疼不已啊。。。</p>

peteraiyan 发表于 2007-2-3 13:24:00


jszgood 发表于 2007-3-5 22:44:00


qzqcpz 发表于 2007-3-6 17:29:00


tiger183 发表于 2007-3-16 10:57:00


chenggong 发表于 2007-3-19 10:47:00

北电<a href="">程控交换机</a>都可以用吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-19 10:47:06编辑过]

pabxman 发表于 2007-3-19 13:19:00

<p>Excel 中的宏代码:</p><p>Type tele<br/>FILnAME As String * 11<br/>tn As String * 11<br/>dn As String * 7<br/>sett As String * 5<br/>code As String * 6<br/>color As String * 2<br/>rls As String * 2<br/>part As String * 8<br/>cden As String * 5<br/>marp As String * 4<br/>phntm As String * 10<br/>bar As String * 3<br/>zone As String * 3<br/>wrls As String * 3<br/>ncos As String * 2<br/>rnpg As String * 4<br/>hunt As String * 16<br/>eht As String * 16<br/>fdn As String * 16<br/>efd As String * 16<br/>dest As String * 16<br/>rtda As String * 4<br/>arto As String * 2<br/>ahnt As String * 16<br/>aeht As String * 16<br/>afd As String * 16<br/>aefd As String * 16<br/>cust As String * 2<br/>ten As String * 2<br/>tgar As String * 2<br/>sgrp As String * 2<br/>scpw As String * 7<br/>note As String * 16<br/>des As String * 7<br/>aom As String * 1<br/>fna As String * 1<br/>cfta As String * 1<br/>fba As String * 1<br/>hta As String * 1<br/>hbta As String * 1<br/>scc As String * 4<br/>ssc As String * 4<br/>cont As String * 1<br/>xlst As String * 1<br/>disp As String * 1<br/>drg As String * 1<br/>ddi As String * 1<br/>mwa As String * 1<br/>cfxa As String * 1<br/>mta As String * 1<br/>sfa As String * 1<br/>rco As String * 1<br/>sci As String * 1<br/>plev As String * 1<br/>dcfw As String * 20<br/>icf As String * 1<br/>xfa As String * 1<br/>c6a As String * 1<br/>tsa As String * 1<br/>xra As String * 1<br/>wta As String * 1<br/>usra As String * 1<br/>phd As String * 1<br/>lna As String * 1<br/>rdl As String * 1<br/>cfw As String * 1<br/>mnl As String * 1<br/>cwa As String * 1<br/>lpa As String * 1<br/>icda As String * 1<br/>ovda As String * 1<br/>ccsa As String * 1<br/>cnda As String * 1<br/>agt As String * 3<br/>aha As String * 1<br/>aaa As String * 1<br/>arha As String * 1<br/>aos As String * 1<br/>hfa As String * 1<br/>ira As String * 1<br/>hpr As String * 1<br/>DTN As String * 1<br/>PYA As String * 1<br/>nama As String * 1<br/>nia As String * 1<br/>ola As String * 1<br/>poa As String * 1<br/>swa As String * 1<br/>xha As String * 1<br/>dgr As String * 1<br/>kba As String * 1<br/>dba As String * 1<br/>flx As String * 1<br/>sts As String * 1<br/>crp As String * 1<br/>grl As String * 1<br/>lhk As String * 2<br/>ast As String * 6<br/>iapg As String * 2<br/>key(0 To 75) As String * 26<br/>nam As String * 30<br/>acct As String * 8<br/>dept As String * 30<br/>locn As String * 25<br/>USER As String * 20<br/>HOT As String * 20<br/>QU As String * 10<br/>POSID As String * 10<br/>aacs As String * 3<br/>acq As String * 15<br/>asid As String * 3<br/>sfnb As String * 4<br/>sfnbn As String * 70<br/>sfrb As String * 4<br/>sfrbn As String * 70<br/>usfb As String * 4<br/>usfbn As String * 70<br/>itna As String * 3<br/>Datt As String * 12</p><p>End Type</p><p>Type ser<br/>code As String * 6<br/>color As String * 2<br/>rls As String * 2<br/>part As String * 8<br/>Tnn As String * 11<br/>End Type</p><p></p><p>Global file<br/>Global tele As tele<br/>Global cleartele As tele<br/>Global CO<br/>Global a<br/>Global sht<br/>Global wkbkname</p><p>Global DDI_NUMBER<br/>Global CO_NAME</p><p>Global dnstart As Integer<br/>Global dnlength As Integer<br/>Global ccstart As Integer<br/>Global cclength As Integer<br/>Global locnstart As Integer<br/>Global locnlength As Integer<br/>Global userstart As Integer<br/>Global userlength As Integer<br/>Global deptstart As Integer<br/>Global deptlength As Integer<br/>Global maildn<br/>Global MDIR As Long<br/>Global ODIR&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As Long<br/>Global BBH As Integer<br/>Global BBV As Integer<br/>Global BSV As Integer</p><p>Function OpenFile() As String<br/>file = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.*), *.txt, All Files (*.*), *.txt")<br/>Open file For Input As #1<br/>'PickFileName (File)</p><p>OpenFile = file<br/>End Function<br/>Function PickFileName(file As String) As String<br/>Dim pointer As Integer</p><p>While (InStr(file, "\"))<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; pointer = InStr(file, "\")<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; file = Mid(file, pointer + 1)<br/>Wend</p><p>While (InStr(file, "."))<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; pointer = InStr(file, ".")<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; file = Mid(file, 1, pointer - 1)<br/>Wend</p><p>sht = file<br/>PickFileName = file<br/>End Function<br/>Sub Auto_Open()<br/>UserForm1.Show<br/>End Sub</p><p>Sub main()<br/>Dim MyData As DataObject</p><p>Dim tele As tele<br/>'ReDim q(200) As String<br/>Dim ser(6000) As ser</p><p>wkbkname = ActiveWorkbook.Name</p><p>pathandfile = OpenFile</p><p>&nbsp;PickFileName (pathandfile)</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ' User did not put in a filename so just quit<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 'If PathandFile = False Then Exit Sub<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ' Make sure the filename can be found (Unlikely that it cannot)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If Dir(pathandfile) = "" Then<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; MsgBox "Could not open file"<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Exit Sub<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; End If</p><p>a = 1<br/>emtyname = tele.nam<br/>gotser = False</p><p>'Not Option 11<br/>While Not EOF(1)<br/>&nbsp;Line Input #1, za<br/>If Mid(za, 5, 1) = "," Then<br/>If Mid(za, 20, 1) &lt;&gt; "&lt;" Then<br/>gotser = True<br/>ser(a).Tnn = Mid(za, 7, 11)<br/>ser(a).code = Mid(za, 46, 6)<br/>ser(a).color = Mid(za, 40, 2)<br/>ser(a).rls = Mid(za, 43, 2)<br/>ser(a).part = Mid(za, 31, 8)<br/>a = a + 1<br/>End If<br/>End If<br/>Wend<br/>Reset</p><p>'Option 11<br/>Open file For Input As #1<br/>While Not EOF(1)<br/>&nbsp;Line Input #1, za<br/>If Mid(za, 5, 1) = "," Then<br/>If Mid(za, 12, 1) = "," Then<br/>gotser = True<br/>ser(a).Tnn = "0" &amp; Mid(za, 7, 2) &amp; " 0 00 " &amp; Mid(za, 10, 2)<br/>ser(a).code = Mid(za, 40, 6)<br/>ser(a).color = Mid(za, 34, 2)<br/>ser(a).rls = Mid(za, 37, 2)<br/>ser(a).part = Mid(za, 25, 8)<br/>a = a + 1<br/>End If<br/>End If<br/>Wend<br/>Reset</p><p></p><p><br/>Open file For Input As #1<br/>tempkey = 99<br/>rec = 0<br/>Open "c:\TEMP.PRN" For Output As #2<br/>a = Chr(34)<br/>b = Chr(9)<br/>' Chr(44) &amp; Chr(34)<br/>For t = 0 To 75<br/>keyy = keyy &amp; a &amp; "Key" &amp; Str(t) &amp; a &amp; b<br/>Next t<br/>keyy = keyy &amp; a</p><p>Print #2, a &amp; "TN" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "DN" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "MARP" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "TYPE" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>If gotser = True Then<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "PART#" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "COLOR" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "RLS" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "SERIAL#" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>End If<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "PHNTM" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "WRLS" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "CDEN" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "ZONE" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "NAME" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "QUEUE" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "POSID" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "DCFW" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "CFW Dest" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "Notes" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "CLS" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "NCOS" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "RNPG" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "HUNT" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "EHT" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "FDN" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "EFD" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "RTDA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "ARTO" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "AHNT" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "AEHT" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "AFD" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "AEFD" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "CUST" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "TEN" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "TGAR" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "SGRP" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "SCPW" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "DES" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "AOM" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "FNA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "CFTA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "FBA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "HTA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "HBTA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "SCC" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "DDI" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "MWA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "CFXA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "MTA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "SFA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "XLST" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "AST" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "IAPG" &amp; a &amp; b;</p><p>If UserForm1.CheckBox2.Value Then<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "aaa" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "acct" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "agt" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "aha" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "aos" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "arha" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "c6a" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "ccsa" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "cfw" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "cnda" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "cwa" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "dgr" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "disp" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "hfa" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "hpr" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "icda" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "icf" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "ira" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "lna" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "lpa" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "mnl" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "nama" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "nia" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "ola" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "ovda" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "phd" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "plev" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "poa" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "rco" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "rdl" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "sci" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "swa" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "tsa" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>End If<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "usra" &amp; a &amp; b;</p><p>If UserForm1.CheckBox2.Value Then<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "wta" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "xfa" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "xha" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "xra" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "KBA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "DBA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "FLX" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "STS" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "CRP" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "GRL" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "DRG" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>End If</p><p>If UserForm1.CheckBox3.Value Then<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "AACS" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "ACQ" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "ASID" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "SFNB" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "SFNB STR" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "SFRB" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "SFRB STR" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "USFB" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "USFB STR" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "ITNA" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>End If<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "LHK" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>If UserForm1.CheckBox1.Value Then<br/>For ff = 0 To 75<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "KEY " &amp; ff &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Next ff<br/>End If<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "HOT LINE" &amp; a &amp; b;<br/>Print #2, a &amp; "DATE" &amp; a</p><p></p><p><br/>'Open PathandFile For Input As #1<br/>tele.dn = "unknown"</p><p>While Not EOF(1)<br/>&nbsp;Line Input #1, za<br/>If InStr(1, za, Chr(34)) Then Mid(za, (InStr(1, za, Chr(34)))) = " "<br/>If InStr(1, za, Chr(34)) Then Mid(za, (InStr(1, za, Chr(34)))) = " "<br/>If InStr(1, za, Chr(34)) Then Mid(za, (InStr(1, za, Chr(34)))) = " "<br/>If InStr(1, za, Chr(34)) Then Mid(za, (InStr(1, za, Chr(34)))) = " "<br/>If InStr(1, za, Chr(34)) Then Mid(za, (InStr(1, za, Chr(34)))) = " "<br/>If InStr(1, za, Chr(10)) Then Mid(za, (InStr(1, za, Chr(10)))) = " "</p><p>If UCase(Left$(za, 4)) = "DATE" Then tele.Datt = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))</p><p>If UCase(Left$(za, 4)) &lt;&gt; "DATE" Then<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "CUST" Then tele.cust = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 3) = "DN " Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.dn = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, "MARP") Then tele.marp = "MARP"<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 3) = "TN " Then<br/>&nbsp; = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;tele.phntm = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "<br/>&nbsp;tele.phntm = Mid$(za, 19, 29)<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 10) = "KEY&nbsp; 00 SC" Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.dn = Mid$(za, 13, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, "MARP") Then tele.marp = "MARP"<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 3) = "TYP" Then tele.sett = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "CDEN" Then tele.cden = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "WRLS" Then tele.wrls = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "HUNT" Then tele.hunt = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "RCO " Then tele.rco = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "AST " Then tele.ast = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "IAPG" Then tele.iapg = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "ZONE" Then = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "AACS" Then tele.aacs = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "ACQ " Then tele.acq = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "ASID" Then tele.asid = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "SFNB" Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.sfnb = "SFNB"<br/>&nbsp;tele.sfnbn = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "SFRB" Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.sfrb = "SFRB"<br/>&nbsp;tele.sfrbn = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "USFB" Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.usfb = "USFB"<br/>&nbsp;tele.usfbn = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "ITNA" Then tele.itna = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "TGAR" Then tele.tgar = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left(za, 11) = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; NAME" Then<br/>&nbsp;If Val(tele.sett) = 500 Then tele.nam = Mid(za, 13, 24)<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;If Left(za, 13) = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; NAME" Then<br/>&nbsp;If Val(tele.sett) = 500 Then tele.nam = Mid(za, 15, 24)<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "NCOS" Then tele.ncos = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 3) = "SSU" Then tele.ssc = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; SSU" Then tele.ssc = Mid$(za, 10, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; SSU" Then tele.ssc = Mid$(za, 10, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; SCU" Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.scc = Mid$(za, 10, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;tele.cont = "U"<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; SCC" Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.scc = Mid$(za, 10, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;tele.cont = "C"<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "RNPG" Then tele.rnpg = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 9) = "FTR&nbsp; AHNT" Then tele.ahnt = Mid$(za, 10, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "AHNT" Then tele.ahnt = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 9) = "FTR&nbsp; AEHT" Then tele.aeht = Mid$(za, 10, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "AEHT" Then tele.aeht = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; AFD" Then tele.afd = Mid$(za, 10, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "AFD " Then tele.afd = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; ACD" Then<br/>&nbsp;secc = InStr(11, za, " ")<br/>&nbsp; tele.QU = Mid$(za, 10, secc - 10)<br/>&nbsp;tele.POSID = Mid$(za, secc + 1, 99)<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Mid$(za, 6, 6) = "00 ACD" Then<br/>&nbsp;secc = InStr(13, za, " ") + 1<br/>&nbsp;tele.QU = Mid$(za, 13, secc - 13)<br/>&nbsp;tele.POSID = Mid$(za, secc + 1, 99)<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 9) = "FTR&nbsp; AEFD" Then tele.aefd = Mid$(za, 10, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "AEFD" Then tele.aefd = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; FDN" Then tele.fdn = Mid$(za, 10, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "FDN " Then tele.fdn = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; EHT" Then tele.eht = Mid$(za, 10, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "EHT " Then tele.eht = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; EFD" Then tele.efd = Mid$(za, 10, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "EFD " Then tele.efd = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 3) = "DES" Then tele.des = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " UNR ") &gt; 2 Then = "UNR "<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " CTD ") &gt; 2 Then = "CTD"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " CUN ") &gt; 2 Then = "CUN"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " FR1 ") &gt; 2 Then = "FR1"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " FR2 ") &gt; 2 Then = "FR2"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " FRE ") &gt; 2 Then = "FRE"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " SRE ") &gt; 2 Then = "SRE"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " TLD ") &gt; 2 Then = "TLD"<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; HOT" Then tele.HOT = Mid$(za, 11, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " ADD") &gt; 2 Then tele.disp = "T"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " DDS") &gt; 2 Then tele.disp = "T"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " NDD") &gt; 2 Then tele.disp = "F"<br/>If Trim(tele.nam) = emtyname Then<br/>If Left$(za, 14) = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; NAME" Then tele.nam = Mid(za, 16, 24)<br/>If Left$(za, 16) = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; NAME" Then tele.nam = Mid(za, 16, 24)</p><p>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;' now the keys<br/>If Len(za) = 17 Then<br/>If Mid(za, 9, 1) = " " Then<br/>If Mid(za, 11, 1) = " " Then<br/>If Mid(za, 14, 1) = " " Then<br/>itsatn = True<br/>End If<br/>End If<br/>End If<br/>End If</p><p>If itsatn &lt;&gt; True Then<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 5) = "KEY&nbsp; " Or Left$(za, 5) = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; " And Val(Mid$(za, 6, 2)) &gt;= 1 And Val(Mid$(za, 6, 1)) &lt; 75 And InStr(za, 1) &lt;&gt; "AGN" And InStr(za, 1) &lt;&gt; "SPV" Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.key(Val(Mid$(za, 6, 2))) = Mid$(za, 9, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;tempkey = Val(Mid$(za, 6, 2))</p><p>&nbsp;End If<br/>End If<br/>itsatn = False</p><p>'CLS ------------------------------------------------------------<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 3) = "TEN" Then tele.ten = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 3) = "SCI" Then tele.sci = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "PLEV" Then tele.plev = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "SCPW" Then tele.scpw = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "ARTO" Then tele.arto = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "XLST" Then tele.xlst = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 9) = "FTR&nbsp; DCFW" Then tele.dcfw = Trim(Mid$(za, 14, Len(za)))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; ICF" Then tele.icf = Mid$(za, (Len(za) - 6), Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " UDI") &gt; 2 Then tele.ddi = "Y"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " XFA") &gt; 2 Then tele.xfa = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " C6A") &gt; 2 Then tele.c6a = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " TSA") &gt; 2 Then tele.tsa = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " XRA") &gt; 2 Then tele.xra = "A"<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " KBA") &gt; 2 Then tele.kba = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " DBA") &gt; 2 Then tele.dba = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " FLXA") &gt; 2 Then tele.flx = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " STSA") &gt; 2 Then tele.sts = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " CRPA") &gt; 2 Then tele.crp = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " GRLA") &gt; 2 Then tele.grl = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " KBD") &gt; 2 Then tele.kba = "D"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " DBD") &gt; 2 Then tele.dba = "D"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " FLXD") &gt; 2 Then tele.flx = "D"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " STSD") &gt; 2 Then tele.sts = "D"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " CRPD") &gt; 2 Then tele.crp = "D"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " GRLD") &gt; 2 Then tele.grl = "D"<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " WTA") &gt; 2 Then tele.wta = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " MWA") &gt; 2 Then tele.mwa = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " USRA") &gt; 2 Then tele.usra = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; PHD" Then = "Y"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " LNA") &gt; 2 Then tele.lna = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; RDL" Then tele.rdl = "Y"<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 8) = "FTR&nbsp; CFW" Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.cfw = "Y"<br/>&nbsp;tele.dest = Trim(Mid$(za, 12, Len(za)))<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " MNL") &gt; 2 Then tele.mnl = "Y"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " CWA") &gt; 2 Then tele.cwa = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " LPA") &gt; 2 Then tele.lpa = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " CFXA") &gt; 2 Then tele.cfxa = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " ICDA") &gt; 2 Then tele.icda = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " RTDA") &gt; 2 Then tele.rtda = "RTDA"<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " OVDA") &gt; 2 Then tele.ovda = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " SFA") &gt; 2 Then tele.sfa = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 3) = "RCO" Then tele.rco = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " CCSA") &gt; 2 Then tele.ccsa = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " CNDA") &gt; 2 Then tele.cnda = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " AGN") &gt; 2 Then tele.agt = "AGT"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " SUPY") &gt; 2 Then tele.agt = "AGT"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " SPV") &gt; 2 Then tele.agt = "SPV"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " AHA") &gt; 2 Then tele.aha = "Y"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " LNA") &gt; 2 Then tele.lna = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 3) = "AOM" Then tele.aom = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " AAA") &gt; 2 Then = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " ARHA") &gt; 2 Then arah = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " AOS") &gt; 2 Then tele.aos = "Y"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " HFA") &gt; 2 Then tele.hfa = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " IRA") &gt; 2 Then tele.ira = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " HPR") &gt; 2 Then tele.hpr = "Y"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " MTA") &gt; 2 Then tele.mta = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " NAMA") &gt; 2 Then tele.nama = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " NIA") &gt; 2 Then tele.nia = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " OLA") &gt; 2 Then tele.ola = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " POA") &gt; 2 Then tele.poa = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " SWA") &gt; 2 Then tele.swa = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " XHA") &gt; 2 Then tele.xha = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " DRG1") &gt; 3 Then tele.drg = "1"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " DRG2") &gt; 3 Then tele.drg = "2"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " DRG3") &gt; 3 Then tele.drg = "3"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " DRG4") &gt; 3 Then tele.drg = "4"<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 4) = "SGRP" Then tele.sgrp = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If Left$(za, 3) = "LHK" Then tele.lhk = Mid$(za, 6, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " FNA") &gt; 2 Then tele.fna = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " CFTA") &gt; 2 Then tele.cfta = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " FBA") &gt; 2 Then tele.fba = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " HTA") &gt; 2 Then tele.hta = "A"<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(1, za, " HBTA") &gt; 2 Then tele.hbta = "A"<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;Else</p><p>If tele.dn = "unknown" Then</p><p>For I = 0 To 15</p><p>If tele.dn = "unknown" And Left$(tele.key(I), 3) = "SCR" Then<br/>tele.dn = Mid$(tele.key(I), 5, 7)<br/>If InStr(1, tele.key(I), "MARP") Then tele.marp = "MARP"<br/>End If</p><p>If tele.dn = "unknown" And Left$(tele.key(I), 3) = "SCN" Then<br/>tele.dn = Mid$(tele.key(I), 5, 7)<br/>If InStr(1, tele.key(I), "MARP") Then tele.marp = "MARP"<br/>End If</p><p>If InStr(1, tele.dn, "MARP") Then<br/>tele.dn = Left(tele.dn, InStr(1, tele.dn, "MARP") - 1)<br/>tele.marp = "MARP"<br/>End If</p><p>If Right(tele.dn, 2) = " 0" Then tele.dn = Left(tele.dn, Len(tele.dn) - 2)<br/>Next I</p><p>For I = 0 To 15<br/>If tele.dn = "unknown" And Left$(tele.key(I), 3) = "MCR" Then tele.dn = Mid$(tele.key(I), 5, 7)<br/>If tele.dn = "unknown" And Left$(tele.key(I), 3) = "MCN" Then tele.dn = Mid$(tele.key(I), 5, 7)<br/>If InStr(1, tele.dn, "MARP") Then tele.dn = Left(tele.dn, InStr(1, tele.dn, "MARP") - 1)<br/>If Right(tele.dn, 2) = " 0" Then tele.dn = Left(tele.dn, Len(tele.dn) - 2)<br/>Next I</p><p>End If</p><p></p><p><br/>DoEvents<br/>&nbsp;If tele.ncos &lt;&gt; "" Then<br/>&nbsp;<br/>'xxxxxxxx<br/>gotit = False<br/>If UserForm1.CheckBox4.Value Then gotit = True<br/>If InStr(1, Trim(tele.sett), "500") &gt; 0 Or Trim(tele.sett) = "2006" Or Trim(tele.sett) = "2008" Or Trim(tele.sett) = "2616" Or Trim(tele.sett) = "2216" Or InStr(1, Trim(tele.sett), "SL1") &gt; 0 Or InStr(1, Trim(tele.sett), "390") &gt; 0 Or InStr(1, Trim(tele.sett), "I20") &gt; 0 Or Trim(tele.sett) = "2317" Or Trim(tele.sett) = "2009" Or Trim(tele.sett) = "2112" Or Trim(tele.sett) = "2018" Then gotit = True<br/>'for all TN's, uncomment line below and comment the line above<br/>'If Trim(tele.sett) &lt;&gt; "" Then<br/>If gotit Then</p><p>If InStr(1, tele.dn, "MARP") Then tele.dn = Left(tele.dn, InStr(1, tele.dn, "MARP") - 1)<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "2006" Then<br/>t2006 = t2006 + 1<br/>Range("C11").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t2006<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "2008" Then<br/>t2008 = t2008 + 1<br/>Range("C12").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t2008<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "2616" Then<br/>t2616 = t2616 + 1<br/>Range("C13").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t2616<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "2009" Then<br/>t2009 = t2009 + 1<br/>Range("C16").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t2009<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "2112" Then<br/>t2112 = t2112 + 1<br/>Range("C17").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t2112<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "2018" Then<br/>t2018 = t2018 + 1<br/>Range("C19").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t2018<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "3901" Then<br/>t3901 = t3901 + 1<br/>Range("C20").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t3901<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "3902" Then<br/>t3902 = t3902 + 1<br/>Range("C21").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t3902<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "3903" Then<br/>t3903 = t3903 + 1<br/>Range("C22").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t3903<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "3904" Then<br/>t3904 = t3904 + 1<br/>Range("C23").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t3904<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "3905" Then<br/>t3905 = t3905 + 1<br/>Range("C24").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t3905<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "3903H" Then<br/>t3903H = t3903H + 1<br/>Range("C25").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t3903H<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "3904H" Then<br/>t3904H = t3904H + 1<br/>Range("C26").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t3904H<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "3903V" Then<br/>t3903V = t3903V + 1<br/>Range("C27").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t3903V<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "I2004" Then<br/>ti2004V = ti2004V + 1<br/>Range("C29").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ti2004V<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "3904V" Then<br/>t3904V = t3904V + 1<br/>Range("C28").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t3904V<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "2317" Then<br/>t2317 = t2317 + 1<br/>Range("C18").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t2317<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If Trim(tele.sett) = "2216" Then<br/>t2216 = t2216 + 1<br/>Range("C14").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t2216<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If InStr(1, Trim(tele.sett), "500") &gt; 0 And Trim(tele.phntm) = "" Then<br/>t500 = t500 + 1<br/>Range("C9").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t500<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If InStr(1, Trim(tele.sett), "500") &gt; 0 And Trim(tele.phntm) = "PHANTOM" Then<br/>t500p = t500p + 1<br/>Range("C10").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = t500p<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>If InStr(1, tele.sett, "SL1") &gt; 0 Then<br/>tsl1 = tsl1 + 1<br/>Range("C15").Select<br/>ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = tsl1<br/>End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;DoEvents<br/>&nbsp;<br/>For ff = 0 To 75<br/>tele.key(ff) = Trim(tele.key(ff))<br/>If InStr(1, tele.key(ff), "RING") Then tele.key(ff) = Left(tele.key(ff), InStr(1, tele.key(ff), "RING") - 1)<br/>tele.key(ff) = Trim(tele.key(ff))<br/>If InStr(1, tele.key(ff), "MARP") Then tele.key(ff) = Left(tele.key(ff), InStr(1, tele.key(ff), "MARP") - 1)<br/>tele.key(ff) = Trim(tele.key(ff))<br/>If InStr(1, tele.dn, "MARP") Then tele.dn = Left(tele.dn, InStr(1, tele.dn, "MARP") - 1)<br/>tele.key(ff) = Trim(tele.key(ff))<br/>If Trim(Right(tele.key(ff), 2)) = " 0" Then tele.key(ff) = Left(Trim(tele.key(ff)), Len(Trim(tele.key(ff))) - 2)</p><p>Next ff</p><p>If tele.hfa = "Y" Then tele.key(15) = "Hands free"<br/>If tele.disp = "T" Then tele.key(7) = "Program"</p><p>'PRINT HERE-----------------------------------<br/>rec = rec + 1<br/>'Put #3, rec, tele</p><p></p><p></p><p>For I = 1 To 75<br/>&nbsp;If InStr(tele.key(I), "SCU") Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.scc = Mid$(tele.key(I), 5, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;tele.cont = "U"<br/>&nbsp;End If</p><p>&nbsp;If InStr(tele.key(I), "CFW") Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.dest = Trim(Mid$(tele.key(I), 7, Len(za)))<br/>&nbsp;End If<br/>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;If InStr(tele.key(I), "SCC") Then<br/>&nbsp;tele.scc = Mid$(tele.key(I), 5, Len(za))<br/>&nbsp;tele.cont = "C"<br/>&nbsp;End If</p><p>Next I<br/>&nbsp;If Left(tele.dest, 3) = "919" Then tele.note = "CFW=1900"</p><p><br/>DoEvents<br/>'-------------------------------------------------<br/>If InStr(1, tele.dn, "MARP") Then tele.dn = Left(tele.dn, InStr(1, tele.dn, "MARP") - 1)<br/>If InStr(1, tele.dn, "R") Then tele.dn = Left(tele.dn, InStr(1, tele.dn, "R") - 2)<br/>For mum = 1 To 6000<br/>If Trim(ser(mum).Tnn) = Trim( Then<br/>tele.code = ser(mum).code<br/>tele.color = ser(mum).color<br/>tele.rls = ser(mum).rls<br/>tele.part = ser(mum).part<br/>Exit For<br/>End If<br/>Next mum</p><p><br/>Print #2, a; Trim(; a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.dn); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.marp); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.sett); a; b;<br/>If gotser = True Then<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.part); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.color); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.rls); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.code); a; b;<br/>End If<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.phntm); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.wrls); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.cden); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(; a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.nam); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.QU); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.POSID); a; b;</p><p>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.dcfw); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.dest); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.note); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(; a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.ncos); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.rnpg); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.hunt); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.eht); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.fdn); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.efd); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.rtda); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.arto); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.ahnt); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.aeht); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.afd); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.aefd); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.cust); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.ten); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.tgar); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.sgrp); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.scpw); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.des); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.aom); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.fna); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.cfta); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.fba); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.hta); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.hbta); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.scc) &amp; Trim(tele.cont); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.ddi); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.mwa); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.cfxa); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.mta); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.sfa); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.xlst); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.ast); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.iapg); a; b;</p><p><br/>If UserForm1.CheckBox2.Value Then<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(; a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.acct); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.agt); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.aha); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.aos); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.arha); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.c6a); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.ccsa); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.cfw); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.cnda); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.cwa); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.dgr); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.disp); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.hfa); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.hpr); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.icda); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.icf); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.ira); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.lna); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.lpa); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.mnl); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.nama); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.nia); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.ola); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.ovda); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(; a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.plev); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.poa); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.rco); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.rdl); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.sci); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.swa); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.tsa); a; b;<br/>End If</p><p>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.usra); a; b;</p><p>If UserForm1.CheckBox2.Value Then<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.wta); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.xfa); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.xha); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.xra); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.kba); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.dba); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.flx); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.sts); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.crp); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.grl); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.drg); a; b;<br/>End If</p><p>If UserForm1.CheckBox3.Value Then<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.aacs); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.acq); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.asid); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.sfnb); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.sfnbn); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.sfrb); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.sfrbn); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.usfb); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.usfbn); a; b;<br/>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.itna); a; b;<br/>End If</p><p>Print #2, a; Trim(tele.lhk); a;</p><p><br/>If UserForm1.CheckBox1.Value Then</p><p>For ff = 0 To 75<br/>If InStr(1, tele.key(ff), "RING") Then tele.key(ff) = Left(tele.key(ff), InStr(1, tele.key(ff), "RING") - 1)<br/>If InStr(1, tele.key(ff), "MARP") Then tele.key(ff) = Left(tele.key(ff), InStr(1, tele.key(ff), "MARP") - 1)<br/>Print #2, b; a; Trim(tele.key(ff)); a;<br/>Next ff<br/>End If<br/>Print #2, b; a; Trim(tele.HOT); a;<br/>Print #2, b; a; Trim(tele.Datt); a</p><p></p><p></p><p><br/>tempkey = 99<br/>tele = cleartele<br/>tele.dn = "unknown"<br/>'ReDim q(200) As String</p><p><br/>End If<br/>tempkey = 99<br/>tele = cleartele<br/>tele.dn = "unknown"<br/>'ReDim q(200) As String</p><p>End If<br/>tempkey = 99<br/>tele = cleartele<br/>tele.dn = "unknown"<br/>'ReDim q(200) As String<br/>End If<br/>Wend<br/>Reset<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Workbooks.OpenText FileName:="C:\TEMP.PRN", Origin:=xlWindows, StartRow:= _<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False _<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; , Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 2), Array(2, 2), _<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Array(3, 2), Array(4, 2), Array(5, 2), Array(6, 2), Array(7, 2), Array(8, 2), Array(9, 2), _<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Array(10, 2), Array(11, 2), Array(12, 2), Array(13, 2), Array(14, 2), Array(15, 2), Array( _<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 16, 2), Array(17, 2), Array(18, 2), Array(19, 2), Array(20, 2), Array(21, 2), Array(22, 2), _<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Array(23, 2), Array(24, 2), Array(25, 2), Array(26, 2), Array(27, 2), Array(28, 2), Array( _<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 29, 2), Array(30, 2), Array(31, 2))<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Cells.Select<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Range("D2").Select<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True<br/>'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sheets("TEMP").Move Before:=Workbooks("mv.xls").Sheets(1)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sheets("TEMP").Move Before:=Workbooks(wkbkname).Sheets(1)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sheets("TEMP").Select<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sheets("TEMP").Name = sht</p><p><br/>End Sub<br/></p><p></p>

pabxman 发表于 2007-3-19 13:34:00

以上是 mv.xls 中的宏代码,方便大家看清楚其中的动作。
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amoye 发表于 2007-3-21 11:21:00


pabxman 发表于 2007-3-21 16:08:00

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